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Useful Information
OceanMedix is proud to offer the following Useful Information for our customers.
You may contact our own Captain Denny Emory with regard to any of our OceanMedix Useful Information
I've selected a few of the documents I've developed or found to be useful in my years as a licensed captain. Some are required documents, others just useful. I carry copies with me in a binder for reference or use when needed.
Abandon Ship Procedures
Be prepared! Not only do I carry this simple page in my binder, I also post a copy on a bulkhead near the companionway when venturing offshore. The list is a simple reminder, providing food for thought; yet, in a time of need, may serve as a valuable reference for all onboard.
Waste Management Plan
Under the Code of Federal Regulations ( 33 CFR 151.57 ) it is required that any vessel 12 meters / 39.4 feet in length or more must have a written Waste Management Plan. If inspected by the U.S. Coast Guard or other Authority while within U.S. Waters, you may be required to produce this document. There are a number of formats available. The document provided here, if filled out and signed by the owner / skipper, should be kept with the documentation / registration papers of the vessel.
2-Shift Watch Schedule
There are a number of watch schedules that have been developed through the years. I have stood watch under a number of different schemes ranging from simple 4 hours on / 4 hours off to complicated multi-day spreadsheets. On an extended Ocean Voyage in the early '90s I developed the schedule presented here. It is a 2-Shift version of the 3-Shift version, listed below; and, I have found it to be tried and true. The basic concept is 4 hour watches in the day and 3 hour watches at night. In addition, with 7 blocks of time in the 24 hour day, the watch ratchets backwards at the start of every new 24 hour day, taking two days for the watch rotation to fully cycle through. Standard Notes are printed and space is provided for additional Standing Orders. Depending upon the time of year and hours of daylight, this schedule can be adjusted to a 6am / 6pm base.
3-Shift Watch Schedule
I do a large number of blue water yacht deliveries, usually with a delivery team of three onboard. We all stand single watches and carry out other Daily Jobs. As with the 2-Shift version, listed above, the basic concept is 4 hour watches in the day and 3 hour watches at night. With the 7 blocks of time in the 24 hour period, the watch ratchets backwards at the start of every new 24 hour day, taking 3 days for the watch rotation to fully cycle through. The beauty of this system is that nobody gets stuck with the same schedule or chore. A Daily Job Rotation and standard Notes are printed and space is provided for additional Standing Orders. Depending upon the time of year and hours of daylight, this schedule can be adjusted to a 6am / 6pm base.